In the aftermath of the Pandemic, global supply chain stakeholders have been doing a deep re-evaluation of SC structure, performance and transparency. In a prior exercise, I wrote a couple of white papers about the need to institute a common unique identifier system for North American trucking. Michael Darden and others picked up on that and linked the concept to standardization initiatives for supply chains on a global basis. I have since joined their work in working groups for ISO 8000-119 and ASTM F49.01. The former has proposed a format for a global Transport Unit ID (TUID) that can uniquely identify any shipment, anywhere in the world. Even better, the 8000-119 TUID can be self-generated by the parties to the shipment. It would be helpful if there is a central dispensing service, but it is not strictly necessary. This makes it a very non-threatening standardization option. The ASTM F49 effort aims to develop a standard lexicon and vocabulary for Supply Chain Operations that is capable of being applied across all modes, even worldwide. In both cases, I am actively involved in larger team efforts.